Reproduced Cover

The original cover, and the original alternate covers, of Wintergirls focused a lot on the teen/female aspect of the novel. They were pictures of girls or something relating to winter or fragility, but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to focus more on the more symbolic aspects present in the novel. When I thought about what was the most prevalent element of Lia’s narrative, the first thing that came to mind was numbers. In addition to the chapter numbers being structured as weight measurements, Anderson also brings to attention the number 33, the number of times that Cassie calls Lia before she dies. There are several moments in the text that Anderson has Lia count from 1 to 33, obsessing over her failure to be there for her friend. I felt that such an important element needed to be included in the cover.
As far as the title and the writing, I wanted to give a sense of wasting away and drifting, much like Lia does. She wants to be beautiful and flowing like a dancer, skinny and floating, so I tried to embody that in the writing of the title. The font is whimsical and drawn out, tapering to an end long after the word is done. I wanted it to be a representation of Lia herself; small, wasting away, drifting as if between the worlds like the wintergirl she is said to be.

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